Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama's Welfare State

Have you seen Obama's new economic plan? Well, you should read it... carefully. In sum, he wants to put 40% of Americans on some kind of welfare (yes, tax "rebates" that are for more than you originally paid in taxes are in fact welfare, not your God-given rights as citizens. Some of us worked hard for that money, paid it to the government because we had to or would be thrown in jail, and will never see a cent in return because we are responsible and don't have children, a car, or a house we can't afford.)

Where I come from, we were always taught that welfare is a necessary evil to be avoided at ALL costs unless living without it means starvation or homelessness. And, that area happens to be one of the poorest per capita of any region in these great United States. The reason why this is taught is because hard work, ingenuity, and resourcefullness are all virtues to be valued and praised. The underlying reasoning being that if you work hard enough and can look outside the box that you will be okay. Even if that means shooting a deer for meat and planting a garden and canning your vegetables for the winter. After all, if you can build your own house, why the hell does the government need to give you one?

So, thank you Barack Obama for devaluing hard work, ingenuity, and resourcefullness because we're in tough economic times. For some people, it doesn't take a stock market and financial services industry crash for them to have tough economic times, and you don't see them asking for "bailouts" for lifestyles they couldn't afford in the first place.

I would like to reiterate, stealing is evil (even God says so.) And while we should give unto Ceaser what's Ceaser's and God what's God's that doesn't mean that Ceaser can take what's mine. Redistribution of the wealth is evil. Communism is evil. I have treatises I could post on each of these subjects, but will refrain since this is only a blog. However, the day that a genuine wealth redistribution is passed in America is the day I move to Ireland or Grand Cayman with all my capitalist notions and work ethic with me. It's a bad state of affairs when Ayn Rand is sounding rational.

1 comment:

Jenice said...

Undermining work ethic is a bad idea, I agree. I also think, though, that there are people who are lazy and have no work ethic to begin with and that they didn't have proper training as children to work. Its sad, really, because these are the same people who bought houses they couldn't afford. These people are the same that trashed the credit market. But there has to be something said about the creditors that were greedy and sought these ignorant, lazy people as "sub-prime" candidates for mortgages. That was a rather unintelligent move. I think that the true thing that has got us into a full scale recession and economic collapse, though, is the gas prices. And I think that the gas "futures" people need to be shot... not fatally, but just to inflict pain. Maybe in their foot.