Friday, October 24, 2008

Palin: Caribou Barbie or a Victim of the Right Wing Conspiracy?

This entry needs to be prefaced by saying that I am most likely WAY off base. However, in a discussion the other evening about Palin's candidacy, her previous political behavior (in Alaska), and her general character (not moral per se, but her typical demeanor, actions, etc.) I was thinking that her public portrayal has not aligned with her previous reputation - or even her initial appearances following her introduction as McCain's VP running mate. During those, she was poised, intelligent, and articulate. Sure, her accent and colloqialisms still appealed to working class values-voter America, but she appeared to equally appeal to the Republican cultural elite (which is strong, although not nearly as big as that of the Democrats) who were still bemoaning the choice of McCain.

So, how did Palin result in being portrayed as Caribou Barbie - as shallowly entertaining and demeaning as that lablel is? There are several things that contribute to this outside the accent and being from Alaska (as a native Wisconsinite, I fully understand the joy other people get from making fun of people with northern accents who grew up in the woods. We might as well be space aliens.) First, shame on the campaign for keeping her sequestered. It would be one thing if that caused her to come out blazing in debates and interviews. But, to then only emerge with variations of the same stump speech is not acceptable to an electorate eager to learn more about a candidate - especially a little known candidate (although I still would trust America's hands in Palin's over Obama's any day.) Of course the Media are going to pounce on such behavior...

The second is direct result of the sequestering - Katie Couric's interview was catastrophic. Palin couldn't name one periodical or book she was reading - despite claiming that she is a voriforous reader. How is that possible? Say Time, Newsweek, The Anchorage Daily News (or whatever that paper is), ANYTHING. This is what leads to my conspiracy theory...

Why would an intelligent, driven woman who is making history with her candidacy be willing to portray herself as an idiot on national television where her voters are scrutinizing her? Because her advisors told her to. The GOP isn't known for its upright campaign strategies to say the least, but they also are conniving if nothing else. To give McCain some credit, I think he tries to get above this at least a little, but politics is politics so there's only so much one can really do.

Why, might you ask, would the campaign approve such tactics? Because they are also afraid of what she might say... honest people that hit a cord with mainstream America are dangerous to the political machine and should be marginalized as much as possible so as to not destruct it too much. But, especially with the former Republican base, such a candidate is necessary. They don't care if McCain is a maverick, has some leanings toward Reagan conservatism, and will appoint Supreme Court Justices that would strike down Roe v. Wade. They want a candidate in ways like George Bush: Someone who doesn't sound like he (or she) is from Washington where everyone is rich and corrupt, is willing to protect all life, and will make sure that our nation upholds moral principles despite the opinion of the rest of the world. Palin fits the bill perfectly. So, despite being from Alaska, graduating from U of Idaho instead of Harvard, and having 5 children, if she presents herself as well-read in areas that conservatives deem unacceptable, she is finished. What true conservative reads the NY Times? So, some brilliant strategist decides to make her not give any specific answers... afterall, being vague and not saying anything of substance is better than having to refute a misstep of consequence especially with all the blunders McCain makes on a daily basis.

That's my conspiracy theory in a nutshell. I hope I'm wrong in some ways, but not in others because I really don't want to believe that John McCain was that careless in choosing a potential leader of America (Palin will be the leading force in the GOP for years to come regardless of this election outcome.) I also need to point out the things that incited my curiousity other than my general disbelief that a woman that made me tear up with joy and excitement when she accepted the nomination could become Caribou Barbie. Those are Lorne Michaels' comments about her SNL appearance and Daniel Henninger's Wonderland Column this week.

If I am right, a message to Sarah Palin: Show America what you're truly capable of these last two weeks before the election! Impress us with intelligence, pragmatism, leadership, and poise. That will hit home more than simple language and attack politics.

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