Friday, October 3, 2008

The Vice Presidential Debate Effect

I now have 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Biden was Biden and Palin Palin. Palin didn't tank and Biden didn't wow. Way to keep the status quo guys.

On a separate note, I understand that the Wall Street crisis was in large part due to, oh let's say Wall Street. However, demonizing wall street is getting a little old. How about Washington? McCain/Palin were GREAT at pointing out the flaws in the "good old boy network" of Washington when Palin was chosen as the VP nominee. And now? All we hear is that McCain warned his fellow Senators in 2005 that Fannie and Freddie needed to be regulated more closely. And that Sarah Palin understands what it's like to sit around the dinner table and worry about your personal finances. (For some interesting accounts of Greenspan discussing Fannie with several Senators, check out this article.) Good for McCain's ability to pick up on that fact, but he still wasn't able to accomplish anything with those warnings and what about actions since then? Does McCain never talk to Wall Street? What about his actions on the Commerce Committee? Why did he change his mind on the bailout so quickly? (I happen to agree that he needed to, but not without a better explanation. I'm sick of hearing "We have to help the American people. Get Main Street back on its feet." I agree, but how do you propose doing so?

These are all things that need to be explained, and I have been behind McCain since he was losing in the primaries.

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