Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Great Description of Politicians

Thanks Don Boudreaux for continuing to share your astute opinions. From Cafe Hayek on Tuesday:

"...The general lesson here is that politicians are akin to faith-healers. Both pose as wizards; they use enchanting words to push crackpot potions. The faith-healer dupes his customers into believing that he will suspend medical reality; the politician dupes voters into believing that he will suspend economic reality. Both are frauds."

Glad to see as always that I'm not the only one who doesn't believe in the magical powers of the government. Too bad, unlike the average Obama supporter, I can't dupe myself into feeling good about my reality - the reality one where my husband and I would be better off financially if I quit my job (under Obama's tax plan of course.) I think Adam Lerrick addresses that issue well today in a Journal editorial.

I heard people calling for another "Boston Tea Party" when the bailout was passed... imagine what might truly happen if household making between $75,000-$150,000 begin being taxed at the "rich people" rates. I'm just guessing that socialist policies, i.e, "spreading the wealth around," won't sound so appealing then.

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