Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why Reason?

A quick explainer on the blog title...

The authors of this blog are huge fans of reason, love rational actors, and admire logic in all its forms (especially syllogisms.) I would like to think that most people feel the same, but am skeptical. This is not to say we don't have biases, but genuinely enjoy having reasonable and well thought out discussions about the world. It also doesn't mean we think we are the only or a supreme "voice of reason." Instead, we merely like to voice what we see to be reasonable and hope others find it to be so as well. And, if not, we would love to know in attempts to gain a clearer vision of reality in any topic we are addressing. Or, at the very least to entertain a point of view we may not have considered previously, although we certainly try to be thorough.

That being said, another equally adequate title for this blog would be "Really?" If you have seen the Saturday Night Live skit, you understand what I mean.

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