Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Although in many ways this defies reason - I absolutely love holidays. Especially the consumer-driven frivolity that most today hold (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, St. Patty's, etc.) I say, these holidays give us an excuse to be childish in an acceptable way and increase the revenues of costume, decor, other consumer product, and candy companies. It's a win-win. (I do greatly respect people's devout observances of religious holidays. I just was not raised in an environment where that was the case. Therefore, in lieu of being a hypocrite, I openly present my views of holidays: A fun excuse to be frivolous, creative, and spend time with family and friends. Also, I'm not one for merely celebrating the fact that I'm alive, so holidays are a great reason to celebrate life itself even if that is not in a religious context.)

Holidays can also be a great opportunity to engage your creativity (through such avenues as designing a costume, a decorative scheme, or a unique holiday feast) that might otherwise fall to the back-burner. I'm fortunate enough to have a profession where I have to be creative every day, but I've had many jobs where this was not the case. And, once those creative juices are flowing who knows what you can do with your seemingly ordinary mundane tasks?

So, please don a crazy costume, eat too much candy, and enjoy an evening of frivolity! After all, this serious world we live in today will still be waiting in the morning.

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