Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Amazing cartoon from the AJC's Mike Luckovich. Especially considering my great love for Eeyore. And the typical poor quality of anything in the AJC. Thanks Luckovich for providing one redeeming element to our illustrious paper.

Did I mention I'm having breakfast with Eeyore on my birthday? That's right, a very live human dressed up in an Eeyore suit who can sign my stuffed animal and Eeyore pajamas. I kid about the pajamas... maybe... Also, this is assuming Disney doesn't crap out on me and give Eeyore the day off... or that he's "sick." After all it is my birthday we're talking about. *Oh bother.*


Jenice said...

Tell them its your birthday and they'll give you the birthday treatment! Tiara and all.

Prudence said...

Haha. Yes. :)

I'll be wearing my birthday button, no worries. We got all kinds of free stuff and special treatment when we wore our honeymoon buttons, so I think it will be fun to be there for my birthday too!