Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Goal #2

You knew this was coming... but here it is anyway. I got a Kindle 2 last week. I like to think of it as the best day of my life. Wait, not your wedding day? Or graduation from your excruciating college (that merits further explanation, but it's really too involved for my current purposes)? Or moving away from Luck, Wisconsin... Rome, Georgia... Waco, Texas? Nope. The Kindle far outweighs any of them (my husband understands this completely, hence why he bought it for me. We have a very honest relationship - and by honest I mean blunt. At least on my end. I tend to throw things if he reciprocates and I'm in a bad mood...)

In a way, my reaction to the Kindle is nothing short of pathetic and I'm okay with that. Some people have babies. Others have pets. Some even have copious amounts of houseplants. And I salute all of them... even as their thousands of pictures cloud up my Facebook news feed. But, I have a wireless reading device. Haha! And I treat it like it's my baby... it has a sleek case that is lined with high quality padded leather (one may compare it to a car seat/baby carrier), it's constantly teaching me new things, and it never leaves my side. It also talks if I ask it to and goes to sleep when it's told. What could be better?

I am completely in love with it. Like the mothers who stare longingly at their new little feces machines, I can just stare at its sleek design for hours on end. I dream about opening it and reading all the hysterical memoirs I have loaded on to it by modern women with senses of humor much like my own. It truly has improved my life and gives me something to look forward to even on the most dull and ordinary day.

I am reminded of my childhood when I would beg my parents to buy me the new Babysitters' Club, Boxcar Children, or Saddle Club book or whatever other series I was reading at the time. The pure excitement and joy of reading that I have not had in almost 10 years. There were still hints of it in high school, but college destroyed my love of reading despite teaching me how to be a better reader. For that, I will always be grateful. However, it's great to be back.

This also leads me to my second new goal. I started this blog as a venue to essentially vent about politics and society. It was in the throngs of the 2008 election and the irrationality on both sides was staggering. So, I may decide to rename this... through writing this blog I think it's pretty evident that despite my total commitment to reason as a virtue and behaving reasonably... I often fail. Actually, more times than not. Maybe I'm still more reasonable that most. I like to think so. But, I think this will be a more interesting blog if it is more personal and less in the third-person abstract sense. One day - far in the future - I would like to write a comedic memoir much like the ones I am currently devouring. As much I enjoy discussing business, politics, and foreign affairs I enjoy real people's stories even more. After all, reality is often stranger than fiction, right?

So... this will be my experiment in personal writing (that ideally does not offend others or compromise myself.) I'll see how it goes. I'm guessing I won't post again for a month out of sheer anxiety...

In the meantime, you should buy a Kindle 2. It's an amazing way to change your life and improve the human experience without having to actually affect another living being. Thank you Amazon.com.

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