Friday, May 8, 2009

Did I mention how much I hate Tom Petty? Because I do.

Thankfully the only decent radio station in Atlanta - 99X - is back. It re-launched 2 Saturdays ago and I couldn't be happier. Especially when the radio station I had adopted to take its place when it went off the air after 20+ years in 2008 delivered this little item into my inbox yesterday: Tom Petty Weekend! from Dave FM. Fantastic. Just what I needed more of in my life: Tom Petty!

The month preceding 99X's comeback, I began tracking the frequency Tom Petty was played on that station. My conclusion - at least once an hour. ONCE AN HOUR. I conducted this sample at literally every hour of the day at some point or another. Sometimes at 1am, they'd even play him twice... just to be sure in case any other insomniac missed the first song. I'm convinced the station staff have a drinking game that commences when Petty is played. Or, has a rule that they can't smoke up without Petty in the background. Now, we all know that Tom Petty is the most popular artist by which to smoke a joint... well aside from the Grateful Dead, but let's not go there for now... but really? Once an hour? What about those of use who do not actually do drugs, but simply love music. Huh? What about us? Especially when we're loyal listeners at all times of day and night.

I will admit that I went through a period in college where I had a burned CD of Tom Petty's greatest hits or something from my roommate. I listed to Tom Petty 24/7 for about 3 months. That was all I the Petty I will ever need.

Sure, it's my fault I got burned out... oh the pun that wasn't even intentional... especially since I have never taken a single recreational drug in my life. However, even if I had not had my 3 month Petty binge in college, I certainly got my fill listening to Dave FM. And I was even beginning to be convinced that it actually a "good" radio station. Excluding Petty. And Sting. If I have to hear "Roxanne" one more time, I will probably throw something at an innocent bystander. Or window.

It got to the point where I would yell in a really excited voice to my husband in the next room, "Hey! Guess what?" And he would run in or respond with equal fervor, "What?!" To which I would respond sardonically, "Guess who's on the radio? Tom Petty - NO WAY!" (I also added Sting to my game to add variety, but he's not quite as bad. At least he was worthy of some rep during his prime. Petty not so much - despite popularity.)

Obviously, this game got a little old... but was at least more entertaining that the damn music. And then miraculously 99X was back on the FM airwaves. So, Dave FM can take their "Tom Petty Weekend!" and leave it with the rest of the burnouts. The rest of us have moved back to greener pastures.


Jenice said...

which radio position does it have... obviously not 99.7 :( Stupid Q100

Prudence said...

It's 97.9... it doesn't come in very well at times, but if you can position your antenna to pick it up they've been playing great stuff!