Thursday, June 18, 2009

Out of Office Reply

Actually, make that an "in the office perpetually until I am too tired to drive home, then go home and work" reply.

Good news is that business is booming. I told my chiropractor that yesterday and she said that is the first time she's heard anyone have good news about work. I agreed that I, and my husband, are incredibly fortunate in that regard. However, the stress that accompanies it on top of a recent trip that included seeing family often overshadows it in my mind. And greatly contributed to my new back problems.

I'm glad I went to Wisconsin for the weekend and it was great to see my Grandma (and to see that she's doing far better than my mom said) and my friends. It was good to see other family members too, but talk about stress. And on top of it, I had perhaps the worst flight of my entire life. Getting delayed 3 hours on the red eye, waiting to rent a car for an additional 45 minutes that is not the brand/model you drive (although it was fun to test out the Prius first hand. Honda is just better), and having to drive through the incredibly foggy, dark countryside at 4am is not my idea of a good time. Especially when I still have not been able to catch up on anything resembling sleep. At least I brought home some good cheese to comfort my stressful self.

So, all this is to say that I am absolutely exhausted and my time is maxed out. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a break this weekend - I hope so considering it is our first anniversary! But, I'm not counting on it too much. I must say that I really am enjoying being busy for work though. If I had even a little bit more sleep I would be having a blast. Instead, for the first time, I understand why people do drugs to stay awake. After a while, caffeine does NOTHING. This has never happened to me before. Welcome to the real world! Yikes.

1 comment:

Jenice said...

And thus, you have a "taste" of my job. Get in at 11pm? Oh... go work at 6AM. You'll be fine! Right?