Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When Clumsiness and Paranoia Combine

Two consecutive mornings this week resulted in injuries to my right thumb:

Tuesday morning
Randomly scraped a patch of skin off of my knuckle after depositing my bags into my back seat (before they and their contents hurtled themselves onto the floor of my backseat.) It is red and swollen today. I always fear gangrene when doing stupid things like that. I know there's an incredibly minute change of that ever happening... it does cross my mind though and makes me paranoid for about a week.

Wednesday morning

While picking up my computer bag before leaving the house (while running late of course) I managed to bend my thumb back to a degree that is no thumb is meant to go. Of course, I spend 8-10 hours a day on a computer where avoiding thumb use if virtually impossible. So it goes... I hope it's just sprained and not broken. This is the second time in the last 2 months I have done this. The last time I didn't notice the cause. Apparently pressing the space bar too hard.

All this to say, I had better not plan on chopping vegetables or fruit for at least another week or my poor thumb will be in severe danger of dismemberment.

*Update* I also managed to beat myself up yesterday... I got home from Dinner A'Fare (a store that designs a monthly menu and provides instructions and ingredients. You just come in for 1-2 hours and prepare the meals and throw them in the freezer to eat for the rest of the month. This service has been the most beneficial thing to my marriage thus far. I can only imagine what a monthly cleaning service will do!) and was exhausted. I begrudgingly began cooking some dinner since I was famished and knew that cereal or a bowl of soup wasn't going to cut it. Well, we have a "galley style" kitchen which is ridiculously small. I placed the cooler with my newly assembled meals by the door and proceeded to open the freezer door (directly perpendicular to the doorway.) I managed to roll the cooler into my leg (really hard somehow...) and when I stood up in pain smashed my spine on the freezer door. I think I then, again, sliced my hand open. It probably doesn't sound funny... rather stupid, but it resembled rehearsed slapstick comedy at its best if you had been an ant on the wall. And I have the bruises to prove it.

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