Monday, December 1, 2008

Long Time, No Post

First, I must chastise myself for not posting sooner. I try to post fairly regularly because I don't necessarily see the point of blogging if it only occurs once a month. Yet, there has not seemed to be anything worth commenting on compared to real life events (and by real life, I mean things that actually affect me or the people I love. Not that other things aren't "real," but they don't matter as much to me. Adam Smith explains this reaction well in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. ) And, those real life events are too tragic and deserve too much respect to flippantly write about here.

So, I'll post some random thoughts to get the writing juices flowing again.

1. The Mumbai terrorist attack. How awful. I had vaguely heard about it over Thanksgiving, but didn't actually read a newspaper until today. Reading about it just made me sick. There are enough ills in the world without attacking innocent people. Also, people somehow blaming this - in any way - on America is utterly preposterous. Maybe it will incite the Indian government to implement some much needed reforms... or to gain some more legitimacy in governing period.

2. The holiday of Thanksgiving. I understand why Thanksgiving can be a person's favorite holiday; however, I've always struggled with it. First, growing up we only celebrated it when my birthday fell on Thanksgiving day (this happened twice I think.) The reason being that people were "deer hunting" which obviously took precedence to family time and giving thanks. Also, while I am deeply thankful for many things in my life, I have hard time recognizing the good without first examining the bad. Unfortunately, this year happened to have much loss in it - much of which was unexpected. So, while I jubilantly try to celebrate other holidays, Thanksgiving is always tough especially in a year that was eclipsed by many sorrows.

3. Road rage. My husband and I had to carpool to work today. As a result, he experienced first-hand my morning ranting (in all its pre-coffee, Atlanta stop-and-go traffic glory.) His comment was that they could create a TV show solely based off of my comments during the morning commute because I am essentially a younger, female version of Lewis Black. This morning was entitled "I'm Cancelling Christmas." Why? Because I saw the maintenance workers in front of the Governor's mansion hanging garlands and wreaths while disdainfully muttering that I'm not celebrating Christmas this year and continued to mutter how stupid they were for hanging the wreaths. If you know me at all, this is an utterly preposterous statement since Christmas is my favorite time of year and I try to extend it fully from the end of October to MLK or Valentine's Day. It fully illustrates my morning moods though. Maybe I'll start a segment of weekly statements issued by me in traffic. Let's just say it would not be G-rated.

So, if there are any readers out there, I apologize for failing to post for so long and for the poor quality of this entry. Hopefully it will get the gears working again though and I'll be back to my normal cynical, dry-humored self this week.

Did I mention that my Christmas tree is a black (and silver) theme... I guess my personality creeps through in even the most festive occasions lest anyone worry too much.

1 comment:

Jenice said...

Prudence, or whatever your alias is, what is grieving you so much that you feel you can't be overly jubilant?