Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nails Against the Chalkboard

Do you ever have one of those days where every little thing grates on your nerves to a degree that you want run out of the room screaming and waving your arms in the air like a crazy person? Well, that's been my week thus far. It seems like every task - personal and professional that comes my way is a little more tedious than the one before. Taken individually, these tasks would be fine, but when combined they make me want to tear out my hair.

I also have reached the end of my patience with politicians. It's not like I had a tremendous amount to begin with, but whatever remaining iota of goodwill I had towards them was annihilated with the introduction of the Healthcare Bill. I cannot extrapolate further other than to say it is the biggest, most convoluted piece of garbage I have ever encountered. If Obama wasn't dead set on destroying our country before albeit through good intentions, he's graduated to the next level with this one.

There have been some really great things going on lately though, so I'll highlight those:

  1. We adopted 2 dogs last weekend! I can't wait to bring them home (they're staying at the adoption center's shelter until we can move into the new house since we can't have them in our apartment.) They are the sweetest girls ever and I can't wait to come home to them every night. I'm sure there will be plenty of crazy, funny, and frustrating events as a result of their arrival. I also can't wait to start baking for them! Now I can bake to my heart's content and not be faced with the temptation of the tasty items I create (I promise, bacon-infused muffins hold absolutely no interest to me. I'm guessing Eva and Zsa Zsa will love them though. They almost took out a table trying to reach a wrapped blueberry muffin at Petsmart on Saturday.) Oh, and the dogs are named after the Gabor sisters which I thought was too much fun to change.
  2. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (the movie) finally was released and it was great! I'm holding out hope that Dumbledore's Funeral will be at the beginning of the 7th movie because it is one of my favorite and vividly imagined scenes from the books. I look forward to seeing it again next week when it comes to the Imax theater. I'm especially glad they chose to highlight the friendships and romances of the students considering how incredibly dark the rest of the subject matter is (and will be in the last 2 movies.) It was much needed comic relief that was a great throwback to the first movie.
  3. Our house is almost finished! We actually have countertops, some appliances, and one coat of poly on the floors. We had some minor tile issues - they said the one we wanted was in stock and it was not (8 weeks backordered!), so we had to go with a cheaper alternative. That was fine by me though. It will still look great and that's money we can use for something else. I just can't wait to finally live there!
  4. After we move in, unpack, paint, and pick up our dogs we're going back to Amelia Island for a few days of relaxation and bonding with our new puppies. I can't wait although I'm sure taking the dogs to the beach will be an adventure. I think they'll like it though. They're incredibly curious.
I'm feeling a little better after talking about the positive things going on in my life of which there are many. Often, they are unfortunately overshadowed by the daily grind. I guess that is one of the downsides of adulthood.

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