Monday, January 26, 2009

A Brief Reprieve from Ranting

Since 95% of this blog involves ranting in some capacity, I thought I would jump on the facebook survey bandwagon (albeit on this blog) and list 25 random things about myself.
  1. I eat more ice cream (well... non-fat frozen yogurt these days) than any human probably should. It is without fail the best way to improve my mood.
  2. I love music and listen to incessantly... However, I do not listen to lyrics. This makes the actual "music" more enjoyable, but can prove to be embarrassing in the occasions when I've passed along some of my favorite songs to, lets say, a older family member without realizing the actual subject of the song. Oops.
  3. From my obsession with certain music, my husband has deemed me to be "emo." I find this hysterical since every other aspect of my life is the antithesis of emo.
  4. I love television. Getting cable (complete with HBO & Showtime) after a 2 year reprieve was probably the 2nd best thing to happen to me in 2008.
  5. I am - inadvertently - a plant killer. I don't understand how this can be considering all my family members have the greenest thumbs possible. I, unfortunately, can't keep anything green alive for much longer than 2 weeks.
  6. I hate extreme temperatures (probably because I have some kind of weird biological thing that doesn't allow me to properly regulate my body temperature.) I therefore hope to spend the majority of my life someplace far more temperate than anyplace I've landed thus far. San Diego or the Cayman Islands would be ideal.
  7. My family adopted 2 orphan kittens on the day John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s plane crashed. Subsequently, the cats were named John-John and Carolyn.
  8. I have only been out of the United States one time. I went over the border when I was visiting Niagara Falls. The Canadian side of Niagara Falls is like Kissimmee, FL (only worse) and they had seal figurines in the gift shop that were covered with real baby seal skin. I've never been so traumatized in my entire life.
  9. I love cheese and sometimes eat it with every meal of the day and for a snack. Especially if it is local cheese from Wisconsin. Amazing.
  10. My favorite color is green. I went through a brief period of purple in college, but that returned to the original green shortly after graduation and couldn't be happier.
  11. When I was in pre-school I lied and said my favorite color was orange. I didn't want to pick one because I didn't have a favorite, but they made me. I was subsequently forced to use orange crayons and have far more orange clothing and toys than I ever wanted. It never occurred to me that I could change my mind and tell people about that change.
  12. I wore braces for over 5 years. It was worth every excruciating moment. And, I got them off before high school which was definitely a plus.
  13. My favorite books are typically ones that I read prior to the age of 15. This is not to say I don't re-read them now when the "adult" books disappoint me.
  14. I would love to live overseas for a period of time. I've been trying to arrange this since high school and unfortunately it has not yet worked out.
  15. I usually wear shoes that I hate and that hurt my feet because I don't want to wear out my good ones. This is incredibly stupid on my part.
  16. I love jackets. I buy too many, but refuse to get rid of any. I probably have more jackets than shoes.
  17. I am obsessed with the character Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh.) Finding a Christmas-Elf Eeyore at Disney over New Year's was one of the happiest moments I'd had in months.
  18. I listen to songs (typically one at a time) repeatedly until I can no longer stand to listen to them. This ranges from hours to months and tends to drive anyone crazy that has to ride in the car with me.
  19. I love Christmas more than anyone would ever guess. I inherited this from my mother.
  20. I am the oldest child in my family and have one of the biggest Type A personalities you'll ever encounter. It even annoys me, but alas it is who I am. At least it makes me incredibly competent.
  21. I really wish I had followed my inclination Freshman year of college to at least minor in economics. The philosophy major was definitely a mistake.
  22. I want to have a huge family one day. At least 4 kids, but who knows. I do not, however, plan to actually give birth to all of these children myself. I feel like there are tons of kids all over the world that are already born and need good homes. I intend to give at least some of them one.
  23. I would like to make enough money to fund good orphanages abroad. And, I would like them to have direct ties to the US and access to schools for kids that aren't adopted.
  24. I love to bake from scratch. Watch out Martha!
  25. I love the Constitution (the actual document and the words espoused therein.) I went to visit it at the National Archives in DC and cried when I saw it. I then proceeded to give a lecture to the others around me who were asking questions about it.


Jenice said...

Some of your fun facts were enlightening, but some of them I already knew... I feel like I'm part of some privileged secret society! Haha... :)

Prudence said...

Haha, I thought you would know lots of those! :)

Let's see if I can be a little more creative... (although I doubt most people know the other things I mentioned.)
1. I am incredibly risk-adverse and did not learn how to ride a bike until I was 9 as a result. I also refused to climb on jungle gyms or put my face in the water for fear of imminent harm.

2. I learned to read in pre-school from staring the informational panel on the sides of cereal boxes. Apparently the coloring just wasn't doing it for me.

3. I absolutely love the Rocky Mountains, but don't think I would be happy to live in them because there aren't enough people around.

4. I love horse-back riding and have gone on 2 pack trips in the wilds of Wyoming and 1 wagon train trip in the Black Hills of SD. So, despite my affinity for cleanliness, I can and have "roughed it."

5. I know how to properly hang a bear bag, pitch a tent, and portage a canoe.

6. Despite very little official training in first aid, I became an expert from having to continuously patch myself up as a kid.

7. I developed a "mother's ear" taking care of my baby sister when she was ill as an infant. I cannot go to sleep if anyone else in the house is still up and awake. I also wake up at the slightest noise.

8. I am named after a soap opera character because my parents thought I was a boy and gave the girl name (Chelsea) to a dog they got before I was born.

9. I played the alto saxophone for 10 years and even won a first place award at state solo & ensemble competition. However, I could never play jazz music (and don't care for it that much.) That pretty much squashed my hopes of playing professionally.

10. My dad and I once stumbled upon a legitimate "ghost town" in Montana - which happened to be the same one that his family had stumbled upon when he was a kid. Unfortunately, we went up at dusk with almost no gas in the car and when were coming down from the Mountain, a tree had "fallen" across the road blocking our way down. It was too big to move... but there were scary mountain folk standing around a fire about 10 feet away, so we just drove over it. Luckily, it worked and didn't harm the car. I still don't understand why we just didn't wait until the morning to go up there.