Monday, January 26, 2009

A Brief Reprieve from Ranting

Since 95% of this blog involves ranting in some capacity, I thought I would jump on the facebook survey bandwagon (albeit on this blog) and list 25 random things about myself.
  1. I eat more ice cream (well... non-fat frozen yogurt these days) than any human probably should. It is without fail the best way to improve my mood.
  2. I love music and listen to incessantly... However, I do not listen to lyrics. This makes the actual "music" more enjoyable, but can prove to be embarrassing in the occasions when I've passed along some of my favorite songs to, lets say, a older family member without realizing the actual subject of the song. Oops.
  3. From my obsession with certain music, my husband has deemed me to be "emo." I find this hysterical since every other aspect of my life is the antithesis of emo.
  4. I love television. Getting cable (complete with HBO & Showtime) after a 2 year reprieve was probably the 2nd best thing to happen to me in 2008.
  5. I am - inadvertently - a plant killer. I don't understand how this can be considering all my family members have the greenest thumbs possible. I, unfortunately, can't keep anything green alive for much longer than 2 weeks.
  6. I hate extreme temperatures (probably because I have some kind of weird biological thing that doesn't allow me to properly regulate my body temperature.) I therefore hope to spend the majority of my life someplace far more temperate than anyplace I've landed thus far. San Diego or the Cayman Islands would be ideal.
  7. My family adopted 2 orphan kittens on the day John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s plane crashed. Subsequently, the cats were named John-John and Carolyn.
  8. I have only been out of the United States one time. I went over the border when I was visiting Niagara Falls. The Canadian side of Niagara Falls is like Kissimmee, FL (only worse) and they had seal figurines in the gift shop that were covered with real baby seal skin. I've never been so traumatized in my entire life.
  9. I love cheese and sometimes eat it with every meal of the day and for a snack. Especially if it is local cheese from Wisconsin. Amazing.
  10. My favorite color is green. I went through a brief period of purple in college, but that returned to the original green shortly after graduation and couldn't be happier.
  11. When I was in pre-school I lied and said my favorite color was orange. I didn't want to pick one because I didn't have a favorite, but they made me. I was subsequently forced to use orange crayons and have far more orange clothing and toys than I ever wanted. It never occurred to me that I could change my mind and tell people about that change.
  12. I wore braces for over 5 years. It was worth every excruciating moment. And, I got them off before high school which was definitely a plus.
  13. My favorite books are typically ones that I read prior to the age of 15. This is not to say I don't re-read them now when the "adult" books disappoint me.
  14. I would love to live overseas for a period of time. I've been trying to arrange this since high school and unfortunately it has not yet worked out.
  15. I usually wear shoes that I hate and that hurt my feet because I don't want to wear out my good ones. This is incredibly stupid on my part.
  16. I love jackets. I buy too many, but refuse to get rid of any. I probably have more jackets than shoes.
  17. I am obsessed with the character Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh.) Finding a Christmas-Elf Eeyore at Disney over New Year's was one of the happiest moments I'd had in months.
  18. I listen to songs (typically one at a time) repeatedly until I can no longer stand to listen to them. This ranges from hours to months and tends to drive anyone crazy that has to ride in the car with me.
  19. I love Christmas more than anyone would ever guess. I inherited this from my mother.
  20. I am the oldest child in my family and have one of the biggest Type A personalities you'll ever encounter. It even annoys me, but alas it is who I am. At least it makes me incredibly competent.
  21. I really wish I had followed my inclination Freshman year of college to at least minor in economics. The philosophy major was definitely a mistake.
  22. I want to have a huge family one day. At least 4 kids, but who knows. I do not, however, plan to actually give birth to all of these children myself. I feel like there are tons of kids all over the world that are already born and need good homes. I intend to give at least some of them one.
  23. I would like to make enough money to fund good orphanages abroad. And, I would like them to have direct ties to the US and access to schools for kids that aren't adopted.
  24. I love to bake from scratch. Watch out Martha!
  25. I love the Constitution (the actual document and the words espoused therein.) I went to visit it at the National Archives in DC and cried when I saw it. I then proceeded to give a lecture to the others around me who were asking questions about it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

This Just In: FDR and Lincoln to Make Appearances at the Inauguration

Let me preface this by saying that I truly hope that Obama is a successful president in that he restores the confidence of the American people in America itself... as a strong, just, constitutionally democratic nation. As a nation of hope, determination, prosperity, and hard work. As a nation that is worth being proud of... not one that we feel like burying in the sand and pretending to not see the giant mound it creates. I don't think this will necessarily be achieved through an FDR-esque "stimulus" package including a massive public works program. I'm all about having safe and reliable public works, but how about we work on making our current ones more efficient than simply throwing more money at it? That would imply that money, time, and other resources actually have value though, which obviously can't be the case... Oh wait, people were panicking because they were losing those things... right. As much as I philosophically understand that money only has the value that we input upon it, we happen to put a great amount upon it, therefore making it valuable and important to our personal lives and society as a whole.

As much as the proposed "stimulus" package is worthy of further analysis, I'm actually more interested in Obama's Cabinet and staff picks. Now, I am more than capable of doing real research with citations and all, but it takes time and I don't feel like going back and sourcing my observations at the moment. Those observations have caused me to draw certain conclusions (coupled with previous Obama speeches and behavior during the campaign... think Democratic Convention Stage if you need any clarification.) I've noticed that he has a certain affinity for a former president from Illinois - Abraham Lincoln. I spent much time studying Lincoln previously in my life and have great respect and admiration for him. However, it deeply bothers me that Obama seems to draw so many similarities between himself and Lincoln. I wish I had the quote in front of me... but a famous reporter or columnist said something along the lines of "Come on. You have to earn that comparison" following the Convention this summer. I completely agree.

I have several reasons why I think this is the case... but there was uproar a few weeks ago when he was announcing all the "fiscal" cabinet members... Secretary of Commerce, Labor, Treasury, etc. These people truly affect the way our money flows in the world and there's not much we as mere citizens can do to thwart their policies if we don't like them. What I found most interesting is the appointment of the Mayor of Dallas (I forget his name) who is regarded as a "fiscally conservative democrat" and how that was going to cause dissension among the other appointees. Optimists on both sides view this (and the retaining of Secretary of Defense Gates) and Obama's true commitment to reaching across the aisle and embracing everyone. I view it as a clever scheme that ultimately grants Obama more power. Last time I checked, while Cabinet members have much power, the President can pretty much do what he wants regardless of what the Cabinet has to say about it. And, if you get certain prominent Cabinet members disagreeing with each other, it opens up the way for Obama to unilaterally make the decision so that the dissension can end. Wonderful. More executive power - just what this country needs!

Someone (in the Journal I think) broke down how much money each person deciding where TARP funds are going is in charge a minimum $2 billion of the collective tax payer dollars. He correctly stated that this is obscene for any one person to handle... especially under the pretense that they can better discern how to spend that money that the individuals it was taken from to begin with. I'm sure Obama will prove that theory wrong though, right? I mean, if you're channeling the spirits of FDR and Lincoln, what could go wrong? (Since they clearly weren't involved in 2 of the worst wars in American history.) Both did a great job of proving that they could do what they thought necessary without abiding by the constraints of the Constitution, so again, I guess all my misgivings are completely unjustified.

I started writing this entry last week and didn't have time to finish it, but since I was having this discussion with my husband (the ramifications of which are this entry) The Caucus blog in the New York Times has run with the Obama/Lincoln references. These range from reporting on the Obama family visit to the Lincoln Memorial to the list of all the performances and speeches that will be made at the Memorial on Inauguration Day. Obama also seems dead-set on pissing off everyone concerned with gay marriage on either side... first he asks Rick Warren to give the invocation at the Inauguration, but the first openly gay priest of the Episcopal church will be giving the one at the festivities at the Lincoln Memorial the day or 2 before. Or maybe this again illustrates where Obama's thinking lies. Personally, I think it's great to have the Episcopal priest and Rick Warren should be driven into a cave where he can't adversely affect any more people's ideologies, but that's just me and that has nothing to do with Inauguration politics. Also of note, Obama will be eating an inauguration lunch based on Lincoln's favorite foods. I'll refrain from comment on how ridiculous that is.

All of this is to simply say that I do hope for the best, but remain skeptical. And I still really, really like the Constitution, so I hope no one - presidential or otherwise - decides that we no longer need to practically uphold its edicts.

Boudreaux on the Ponzi Scheme... Er, Social Security

This was published on New Year's Day... but I've been neglecting to blog due to holiday stress, travel, laziness, etc.

I also tried to "check out" from the news/politics for a while... although why I even tried with certain family members in town I'm not exactly sure.

Anyways, I was pleased that Bourdreaux saw it fitting to write an editorial that touched on the issues I addressed in my last entry. Here it is...